Positive and Possible – a series of case studies

It is easy to get caught up in a spiral of negative and narrow thinking about how we can enable young people with learning disabilities to have good lives given the gloomy economic outlook. A fear is that we are forced to return to institutional type services because we simply do not have the money to be person centred. Section of an ilustration showing pathways and options for young people.

We do know that despite difficult times that people and organisations in London and around the country are doing things that enhance the lives of young people with learning disabilities and are making good use of the resources we have.

These case studies are examples of what can and is being achieved in and outside of London by thinking differently, working with young people and families and developing cost effective approaches to supporting young people with learning disabilities.

We will continue to add to these case studies over the coming months.

Linked documents

Positive and Possible - supporting young people in their communities.pdf
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97 Vincent Drive
Birmingham, B15 2SQ, England
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Learning Disability England
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