Extra care housing and cluster flats

This page tells you about having your flat where other people also have their own place.

Sheltered housing and extra care are usually for older people. Some younger people with learning disabilities choose to live in sheltered housing but it is usually older people with or without a disability.

There are some places that have been developed just for people with a disability.

You can choose to rent or buy a property in sheltered housing or extra care. If you get Housing Benefit, you can use this to pay the rent.

What type of property?

Sheltered housing:

  • is usually a block of 20-40 flats or bungalows
  • has some shared areas like a lounge, laundry, or guest rooms
  • built for older people, so each room will have an alarm
  • has be a warden to provide support.

Extra care:

  • is also a group of flats or bungalows but there are a lot more of them, sometimes as many as 300.
  • there are there are more shared areas, like an activities room, a room with computers, a shop, or a restaurant or café.
  • always has support available.

How do I get a property?

In sheltered housing, if the landlord is the council or a Housing Association you will usually go through the choice-based lettings system.

For extra care, you can sometimes get a flat through Adult Social Care.

You must be at least 55 to get a place in sheltered housing or extra care. In some places you have to be older than this. Sometimes they give housing to someone younger if they have a disability.

What is good about sheltered housing and extra care?

There are some good things:

  • Older people live near people who are the same age.
  • The flats are accessible and meet the needs of someone who is older or frail.
  • There is always support nearby, including an emergency alarm.
  • You can have any extra support you need.
  • Your tenancy is more secure - if you rent the property you can live there for a long time. You might also be able to buy the property.
  • It is a safe and secure place to live.
  • There are things to do and you do not have to travel for the things you need.
  • If you start to need more support, you can usually get this without having to move.

What is not so good about sheltered housing and extra care?

There are some things that aren't so good:

  • You don't know what your neighbours will be like.
  • Most are not designed for someone with a learning disability.
  • Some people might feel cut off from the community.

An example: Beaumont Place - extra care for people with a learning disability.

Care is provided by Tameside MBC Adult Services within each of the 25 apartments. There are two large shared lounges, a dining room, a kitchen, a quiet room, two assisted bathrooms, and a laundry. All the locks are electronic, and the floors and the signs are colour coordinated to help any resident or visitor fully use the building.

New Charter (the developer) provides the main meal of the day for residents.

Example provided by New Charter Housing Trust.
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