
On this page you can find links to organisations that help disabled people to use computers.

Making text and pictures bigger

Most web browsers let you make pictures and text larger using the menu bar.  

This little video tells you more about this

You can often make pictures and text bigger by pressing "Ctrl +" and smaller by pressing "Ctrl -". Check Help in your web browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox) for the right keyboard shortcuts.

BBC: My web my way

My web my way helps people with a disability set up their computer so it's easy to use.

BBC accessibility screengrab

My web my way offers help to people who:

Abilitynet: My computer my way

AbilityNet is a national charity helping disabled adults and childrenuse computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting theirtechnology.

It explains why it is important to customize your computer so it works well for you.

Better living through technology

This website offers advice on simplifying software on your computer. This information can be useful to people with a learning disability or people who support them.

This website is home to an organisation that sets web standards for people making websites for people with a disability.

Here you can findinformation about customising the following web browsers:

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Learning Disability England
Birmingham Research Park
97 Vincent Drive
Birmingham, B15 2SQ, England
Tel. 0300 2010455
Learning Disability England
Registered company: 4233275
Registered Charity No. 1092587